Posted by: The Chosen One /
Category: Bilal Assad /
In this series, Ustadh Bilal Assad vividly portrays the different phases the human soul passes through during its lifetime up to its death as well as the process of judgment of souls and the resulting eternal life in Heaven or Hell in the Hereafter. The listener hears of the events that occur just before death and the events that come after it. He gives a clear description about life in the grave, the horrors of the last day, the major and minor signs leading to the last hour and the day of resurrection.
Click here for Audio Lecture
dear admin,
is there any subtitle in english for end series by Belal Assaad?
Asalamu’alaikum, please let us look into it and get back to you, Insha’Allah.
Assalamualaikum, I need subtitles for these series. Please can you help me with it. I would would like to translate in other languages and share in sha Allah
Jazak’Allah Khair for you comment.
We apologize for the delay and also for the fact that we do not have the subtitles available. Perhaps you can do a search on Youtube and see if you can find someone who has uploaded it or google it to see if someone transcribed it, Insha’Allah.
We hope you find what you are looking for you. You can also check out our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one for more resources, Insha’Allah.