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Category: Al Quran / The Chosen One /
Al Quran with Urdu Translation
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Dear Sir,
I would like to use the above recitations with translation by Rashid Al Afasy in my Youtube videos. Need your permission to do so that I do not get copyright strike. Thanks.
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. We are not the original owners of these audios. They are for learning purposes and can be found freely online. I don’t think you should have any issues, but can check with the publisher and at the link below.
Please visit out copyright page for more details, Insha’Allah.
can i upload this translation on YouTube
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. We are not the original owners of these audios. They are for learning purposes and can be found freely online. I don’t think you should have any issues, but can check with the publisher and at the link below.
Please visit out copyright page for more details, Insha’Allah.
Do you own this content ? Can I use this content for my Channel on Youtube?
The content that we have listed on this site is open source and can be found for free online. Please feel free to use it if you would like. If you require further information, please contact the original creator, Insha’Allah. Jazak’Allah Khair.
Can I use this content for my Channel on Youtube?
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. We are not the original owners of these audios. They are for learning purposes and can be found freely online. I don’t think you should have any issues, but can check with the publisher and at the link below.
Please visit out copyright page for more details, Insha’Allah.
Assalam Alaikum brother, I downloaded the video and uploaded it on YouTube, then the copyright was taken on it
Walaikum’asalam Brother,
I am sorry to hear that. I am not sure why, but maybe you can find out the original publisher from the details on YouTube and contact them directly for help, Insha’Allah.
I can upload the video of Holy Quran on your channel bro, please reply
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. We are not the original owners of these audios. They are for learning purposes and can be found freely online. I don’t think you should have any issues, but can check with the publisher to be sure if you would like.
assalamualaikum, can you please add other urdu translations also.
Walaikum’asalam, we have other translations on our sister site: http://www.TheChoice.one. Please do take a look, Insha’Allah. Our sincere apologies for the delay in answering your query.
Salam walaikum sir sir mera ek youtube channel hai us par mai aap ka ye Quran aur translation upload kr sakti hu jazakallah khair sir please reply me
Walaikum’asalam, we apologize for the delay. Yes, you can use it, Insha’Allah. This is open source and is available for use, Insha’Allah. May Allah reward you, Ameen.
Jazakum Allah Bil-khair, Ma-shaa Allah, Aamal Aazim, Taqabale Allah Aamalakum Inshah Allah.
Salam, I need urdu translation of above audio in text. Please share
Walaikum’asalam, please see our sister site: http://www.TheChoice.one. Jazak’Allah Khair. Sorry for the delay.
Assalamo Alaykum Wrahmatullahi wa barakaat
Can i get the text pdf of the same tarjuma?
Walaikum’asalam, please see our sister site: http://www.TheChoice.one. Jazak’Allah Khair. Sorry for the delay.
AOA, I need written form of this urdu translation. Please share
Walaikum’asalam, please see our sister site: http://www.TheChoice.one. Jazak’Allah Khair. Sorry for the delay.
can i download Quran with urdu translation & upload on my Islamic website.
seeking your permission.
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment. We apologize for our late reply.
Yes, you can download and share on your site, Insha’Allah. We do not own the rights to this material, but it is easily available for free online. We appreciate you asking and hope you do well with your site to spread the message of Allah!
Please also visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one and share with your loved ones!
Jazakallah thanks for permiting to down load
Sir, me YouTube Chanal pe upload kar sakta hu kya?
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. We are not the original owners of these audios. They are for learning purposes and can be found freely online. I don’t think you should have any issues, but can check with the publisher and at the link below.
Please visit out copyright page for more details, Insha’Allah.
Assalam alaikum,
While listening to the audio Quran Urdu, is it possible to restart from where we paused earlier. If this problem is fixed it will be a great help.
Walaikum’asalam, our apologies for the late reply. Please try it again now. Also, please visit our sister site: http://www.TheChoice.one for more resources in Urdu, Insha’Allah. Jazak’Allah Khair.
am looking for same Shaikh but with Spanish translation, is anyone got?
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment.
We have this up on our sister site.
Please follow this link: https://thechoice.one/al-quran-spanish-translation-audio-mp3/
Please also share with your loved ones, Insha’Allah.
Asalam o Alekum, my name is abdul sammad , i have created a youtube chanel for islamic , motivational and informative by the name of S.K Religious, Motivational and Informaitive.
Sir can i use your mp3 for my video editing? please reply me brother.
Walaikum’asalam Brother Abdul Sammad,
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment. We apologize for the late response.
This content is available freely online. You can download it here and use it if you would like, we assume.
We do not own it. Hope you do well with your channel. We saw that you have shared a video from Sahil Adeem.
It would be great to see you share more from him for the youth who watch your channel, Insha’Allah.
Please also visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one.
Please also share with your loved ones, Insha’Allah.
this is your website ( The Choice ) because i have youtube islamic channel, can i use islamic audio from this website ( The Choice ) to upload on my youtube channel. please reply me
Thank you
Walaikum’asalam Brother,
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment. We apologize for the late response.
This content is available freely online. You can download it here and use it if you would like, we assume.
We do not own it. Hope you do well with your channel, Insha’Allah.
Please also visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one.
Please also share with your loved ones, Insha’Allah.
Assalamualaikum I am starting youtube islamic channel.
Can i use these audio to upload on my channel.
please reply me
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message.
We do not own the rights to this audio.
You are free to use them at your own discretion, Insha’Allah.
The name of site usually puts a doubt about its authenticity as name of an english movie resembles the same. This may be the main reason for skipping the site for first time user logins .Kindly resolve this issue so as to promote sharing this site with family and friends.
From Indian Occupied Kashmir.
We appreciate your message and what you’ve said. It’s true, but you know that this is the description that is used to describe the Muslims in the Qur’an and it is also what our Beloved Prophet SAW is called, Alhamdulillah. This was long before any movies came about with the same name.
However, we have made another site called “The Choice”, that is our sister site. You can share that if you’re more comfortable, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Mashaallah bhut khoob…
Helpful in our life…
Allah apko khus rakhe
Jazak’Allah Khair for your kind message.
Apko bhi, Ameen.
Please share the Barakah with your loved ones and visit our sister site at wwww.TheChoice.one, Insha’Allah.
You are most welcome!
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment.
Please share with your loved ones and visit out sister site as well at http://www.TheChoice.one.
thanks for this uploading I’m addicted to it, listening while sleeping.
You are most welcome!
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment. What a beautiful and most rewarding addiction, Alhamdulillah.
Please share with your loved ones and visit out sister site as well at http://www.TheChoice.one.
Assalamualaikum I’m a video editor
I want to make video with only translation not Arabic. I want only urdu/hindi audio.
Please provide me complete zip file
Please explore this site and our sister site http://www.TheChoice.one to see if you can find what you are looking for. The download links are available for all audio, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
do we need any licence to use recordings of maulana abdul al sudais.
i want to use it for learning purpose in my app.
can you help me with the process…if its free can you help me with the link from where i can download the translation and the sura and para recording of big maulana.
We are sorry for the late reply.
We aren’t sure about copyright to use in Apps, unfortunately.
You can try to find out who the producer is and see if you can get rights.
Otherwise, the audio is downloadable, Insha’Allah.
jazak’Allah Khair.
At 46:05 kindly review it, because when angel gave good tidings to wife of ibrahim A.S of two sons Ishaq and Ismail but in the translation it is Ishaq and Yaqoob. Kindly check and review it and let me know and don’t remove my comment. I have done once more before.
Jazak’Allah Khair for writing.
We usually don’t delete comments, perhaps we were late getting to it so it seemed like it was deleted. Our apologies.
We aren’t sure which Surah and Ayah you are referring to. If you are referring to the incident when the Angels came to Ibrahim (AS) and gave him and his wife Sarah glad tidings of the birth of their son, Isaac (AS) (and his son Yaqoob (AS)) then the translation is correct. The glad tidings were given for Isaac (AS) and Yaqoob (AS), as Ismail (AS) was not Sarah’s son. He was Hajra’s son.
The Ayah that illustrates this is in Surah al-Hud, Ayah 71, Insha’Allah. It is said: “And his wife was standing, and she smiled. Then We gave her good tidings of Isaac and after Isaac, Jacob.” As you can see, the two sons that are referred to in this series of events are Isaac (AS) and Yaqoob (AS).
If we are mistaken as to which Ayah you are referring to, then please do let us know and we will look into it further, Insha’Allah.
Assalam o Alaikum dear.
Can i upload this Qiran on youtube on my channel.
We don’t own the rights to this translation, but have seen people use it in their videos.
It is up to you. If you would like you can contact the producer for further information, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Please add bookmarks option.
We will look into this, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Its good initiative you have done well Alhamdulillah.
Kindly check the translation of Surah Hud at 45:42 jab ibraheem (a.s) farishton k lie bhuna hua bachra le aaya uske baad jab farishton ne aulad ki basharat di
Isme ishaq aur yaqoob ki basharat di
But i think it should be ishaaq aur ismael ki basharat di.
And its my request to you to please kindly check the translation one more time very sincerely bcoz we rely on it undoubtedly.
Jazak’Allah Khair for your encouragement and comment.
I believe you are referring to Surah Hud, Ayah 71. The Ayah is translated correctly. The glad tidings were given for Isaac (AS) and Yaqoob (AS), as they were the son and grandson of Ibrahim (AS) and Sarah (who was present at the time). Ismail (AS) was the son of Ibrahim (AS) and Hajra. The Ayah says: “And his wife was standing, and she smiled. Then We gave her good tidings of Isaac and after Isaac, Jacob.”
I hope this clears up the misunderstanding, Insha’Allah.
Please do share the site with your loved ones and visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one
How I downloaded complete QURAN PAK in Mobile with Urdu translation
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment. Please use the download link directly or download to your computer and transfer to your phone, Insha’Allah.
Please share with your loved ones and visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one
Masha Allah
Jazak Allaah Khairan brother.
By any chance you have MP3 / Audio Urdu translation of the Quran, translated by Mohammed Junagadhi?? If yes please share. Something similar: https://dar-us-salam.com/urdu/urdu-audio/um18-urdu-telawat-wa-tarjumah-quran-majeed-3-mp3-cds.html
May Allaah bless you.
Please check our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one for more translations, Insha’Allah.
We will also look into this particular one. Jazak’Allah Khair.
Assalam o Alaikum
Respected sir, We really appreciate this of your effort.
Please give us one more favor by providing the file of only urdu translation of mulana moududi
I will be really thankful to you
JazakAllahu khairan
Jazak’Allah Khair for your kindness and for the encouragement.
Please visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one. You will find what you are looking for, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Asalam…I am a muslim and i truly believe in Allah….but why should i not read philosophy… as its questions are answered by the quran…?like what are we , why are we, etc etc…would it make me less muslim or a sinner if i would not blindly follow but would think about our religion deeply….
Please answer it would really help me!
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment and inquiry. Our apologies for getting to it so late, Subhan’Allah.
We don’t believe that man should not think deeply about his Fatih and Allah SWT. Allah encourages this as well in the Noble Qur’an.
These things can make our faith stronger, but the only problem that could arise is where the source of your knowledge is coming from. At times we are confused about our faith and tend to go to sources that can confuse us further or make us leave our faith all together. If we do not have knowledge of the fundamental sources, The Qur’an and Sahih Sunnah, then how will we know how to differentiate between what is True and what is false? It is better to study Islam before we study other sources, so that we have a good understanding of what is right and wrong, Insha’Allah. A good scholar for these kinds of matter of religion and philosophy is Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Please do make him a part of your learning, Insha’Allah. May Allah guide you, give you knowledge of the Deen, and always keep you on the right path, Ameen.
Please also visit our site http://www.TheChoice.one, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Assalamu Alaikum. I have benefitted a lot from your work Alhamdulillah. Please upload the only Urdu translation of the complete Quran without the Arabic tilawat. Zazakallahu Khaira.
We are pleased that you have benefitted, Alhamdulillah. Please visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one for more option on Urdu Qur’an. We will keep working on this and bring you more content that you would like to see, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair for taking the time to write to us.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I appreciate your efforts on making this collection.
You are very welcome, Brother.
Jazak’Allah Khair for commenting.
Please share with your loved ones and also visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one
best voice reciting quranpak
voice touchimg heart
Asalamu’alaikum brother, Jazak’Allah khair for your kind message. Please support the effort and share with your family and friends, Insha’Allah.
Its very good job done by u i like it a lot and would like to share it with my contacts .
Jazak’Allah Khair for your comment and feedback, please do share the site with your loved ones and visit our sister site at: http://www.TheChoice.one.
Assalam o Alaikum w. W.
Brother mein nay Qari Idrees Akbar ki recitation ki urdu translation tayar ki hay tarjma Fateh M Jalandhri Sb ka hay. Is qari ki recitation bohot achi hay magar Un ki translation tayar nahi ki gai. Isay tayar karnay mein taqreeban 5 month lgay han. Mein ab isay ksi website pay upload Karna chahta hon. Kya ap is rare translation ko upload kar saktay han
Reply soon.
Walaikum’asalam Brother,
Please email us and we can discuss this further, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
JazakALLAH i have been searching for it. kindly add a bookmark option its really needed.
mashallah vERY nICE vOICE
Mujarab Amliyat
As-salamu alaikum. Please how can I download it?
Jazak’Allah Khair for your message. Please find the download links at the top of the posts. Please be a part of the effort and share with your family and friends. Asalamu’alaikum.
what is the name of urdu translator?? writer of urdu translator??
The translation is by Maulana Abul A’la Maududi, Alhamdulillah.
Jazak’Allah Khair for you question.
Please share with your loved ones and visit our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one
Assalam o Alaikum
Can i upload thus Qiran on youtube on my channel.
We don’t own the rights to this translation, but have seen people use it in their videos.
It is up to you. If you would like you can contact the producer for further information, Insha’Allah.
Jazak’Allah Khair.
Assalam-o-alikum, This is very wonderful work. I daily play it in the morning, a lot of pray for you and your effort for the path of Allah. Aameen
Walaiku’asalam Sister Sarah, we were so happy to read your comment, Alhamdulillah. Jazak’Allah Khair. Please do share with your loved ones and support our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one.
Jazak’Allah brother!
i’ve been looking for this recietation and translation for so long. i’ve downloaded translation of Fateh Mohammad Jalendhry from the given link, but am looking for urdu voice ( translator Voice) of ” Mairajudin khan”. see if its availble.
Wayyakum! We are glad you found it and are benefitting. Alhamdulillah, we just uploaded the other translation you are looking for on our sister site, please check it out here:
Assalamu Alaikum akhi great work,
Can you please provide me link of website or pdf from where you have taken Urdu Translation because i want to use this in my Videos. I am gonna Promote you in sha allah. Please provide me link or Pdf.
Walaikum’asalam, Jazak’Allah Khair. Please find the PDF and links on our sister site, http://www.TheChoice.one, Insha’Allah
God may help u
Jazak’Allah Khair, please share with your loved ones and support our sister site at http://www.TheChoice.one, Insha’Allah
Assalam o Alaikum
It is good effort, i like it very much, i have copied to CD and distributed to my friends and all are ahppy with this.
there is an error on surah # 25 (Al-Furqan), i check in all formats (ISO formate, High Quality mp3 and low quality mp3 format. the error is at 1:38. after that next surah starts, (it is not complete)
Jazak’Allah brother!
i’ve been looking for this recietation and translation for so long. i’ve downloaded translation of Fateh Mohammad Jalendhry from the given link, but am looking for urdu voice ( translator Voice) of ” Mairajudin khan”. see if its availble.
Asalamu’alaikum Sister Maria, Wayyakum, we are so happy that you are finding the site beneficial. We are going to look into the other translation that you have requested, Insha’Allah. Jazak’Allah Khair.
Assalam alaikum
Thanks for the links given.
The recitation and translation was copied on cd but it was only upto chapter 99. Can you plz look into it.
I started my blog and looking some feed back, corrections and recommendations. Please go throu different pages if you get time and give me the feedback.
Walaikum’asalam, Please visit our Sister Site at: http://thechoice.one/al-quran-with-urdu-translation-audio-mp3/ This is a remastered version, Insha’Allah. We would love to visit your blog, Insha’Allah and will leave you feedback soon. Jazak’Allah Khair.
May Allah give you reward in abundance for the hard work. I am trying to promote your site, downladed for distribution in preparation for Ramadan.
Walaikum’asalam Brother, Jazak’Allah Khair for your kind comment and du’a. May Allah accept it from us and aide us all in this mission, Ameen. It is really nice to know that you are working to promote the site. We need more brothers like you to help spread the message of Islam using these tools for good, Alhamdulillah. As you are promoting material for Ramadhan, I wanted to share these few links for recently added content on our sister site called The Choice, which will help in your mission to spread the message to Brothers and Sisters before and during Ramadhan, Insha’Allah. Again, Jazak’Allah Khair. Many du’a and greetings. Please keep us in your du’a.
Audio Quran with Urdu Translation by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry
Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abul Ala Moududi (Audio / MP3)
Tafheem-ul-Quran – Urdu Translations & Tafseer by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi (eBook / PDF)
jazak Allah. Allah darjat buland farmaye i like and download
Asalamu’alaikum, Jazak’Allah khair for your kind message. Please support the effort and share with your family and friends, Insha’Allah.
Jazak Allah u Al kahir
Wayyakum, please also visit our sister-site at http://www.thechoice.one
Please help support the efforts by sharing with your family and friends.
Jazaak Allah Khair …
Wayyakum, please also visit our sister-site at http://www.thechoice.one
Please help support the efforts by sharing with your family and friends.
Ma Sha Allah
Jazak’Allah Khair, please also visit our sister-site at http://www.thechoice.one
Please help support the efforts by sharing with your family and friends.
Jazak ALLAH khyr for sharing thing precious .
i was looking for soft recitation that is very good voice quality …
Jazak’Allah Khair, please also visit our sister-site at http://www.thechoice.one
Please help support the efforts by sharing with your family and friends.
Jazakallah for the incredible work you have done, just love this.
Jazak’Allah Khair, please also visit our sister-site at http://www.thechoice.one
Please help support the efforts by sharing with your family and friends.
subhan allah masha allah
We pray this for all our Brotehrs and Sisters in the Ummah, Ameen. Jazak’Allah Khair for your kind message. Please be a part of the effort and share with your family and friends. Asalamu’alaikum.
Asalamu’alaikum masha allha this is were were good please sand download links
Jazak’Allah Khair for your kind message. Please find the download links at the top of the posts. Please be a part of the effort and share with your family and friends. Asalamu’alaikum.
Assalam alaikum bro how to download plz tell me?
Asalamu’alaikum, you can find the download link at the top of the post, Insha’Allah.
please upload Quran,arabic by mishari and urdu by jalandri
Asalamu’alaikum, we have finally found this format and we are working on making it available on the site soon. Please visit the site regularly for updates, Insha’Allah.
is this available, “Quran,arabic by mishari and urdu by jalandri”?
Asalamu’alaikum, yes brother it is now available at http://thechoice.one/audio-quran-urdu-translation-fateh-muhammad-jalandhry – Please be a part of the effort and share with your family and friends, Insha’Allah
i love this web, but maybe add what para it is
Asalamu’alaikum, Jazak’Allah khair for your message and suggestion. Please support the effort and share with your family and friends, Insha’Allah.
how to download???
Asalamu’alaikum Brother, the download instructions are within the page, Insha’Allah.
Hi there is the translation authentic?
Asalamu’alaikum, at the Chosen One we always attempt to provide the most authentic resources. For further information on this particular translation, please refer to http://www.quranurdu.com. Jazak’Allah Khair.
i love this web…
nice work..
Asalamu’alaikum, Jazak’Allah khair for your comment and motivating words. Please share with your family and friends.
Mishari bin rasheed sahab k saat Urdu mai awaz kyun sahab ki hai
Walaikum’asalam Brother, the translator is Azeem Sarwar (Radio Pakistan’s famous broadcaster). Jazak’Allah Khair.
Thank you very much Brother, Jazak’Allah Khair
Asalamu’alaikum, Jazak’Allah Khair for visiting our site. Please remember to share with your family and friends, Brother. Asalamu’alaikum.
Asalam O Alkum, Brother who is sound of translator? Please write name of translator
Walaikum’asalam Brother, the translator is Azeem Sarwar (Radio Pakistan’s famous broadcaster). Jazak’Allah Khair.
Jazak’Allah Khair for your kind words and du’a, Alhamdulillah. Please do let us know if there is anything else you would like to see here, Insha’Allah. Asalamu’alaikum.
Kindly try to add translation by Jalandhri
Salaam brother, please find a link below to Al Quran with Urdu Translation by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry, Insha’Allah
Asalam Alikum wah Rehmat Ullahe Wah Barakataho..Surah 107 missing please complete the whole Quran.. JazakAllah
Jazak’Allah Khair for letting us know. The issue has been resolved. Asalamu’alaikum.