Posted by: The Chosen One /
Category: Audio Lectures /
Riyadh-us-Saliheen in English (Audio / MP3 Book)
Riyad us-Saliheen by An-Nawawi is a book of Islamic morals, manners, and acts of worship. In this audio presentation, you will find in these :
- Each and every verse from the Quran that starts the chapters recited in a beautiful and clear manner by Shaykh Adil Ajaawee and Nadir Qallaawee
- Each and every hadeeth read in a clear fashion by Brother Bilal Abdul-Kareem
- A brief explanation of each hadeeth read by Musa Maguire and Abu Taubah Mukhlis Robertson
Credits: www.Kalamullah.Com
when you complete the rest?
We will look into this.
Please also visit TheChoice.one for more content, Insha’Allah.
Salam Alakium,
Could you please make this to fit into 1 or 2 CDs?
700MB or 1400MB?
Jazak Allah kher..
Walaikum’asalam, this is under 500MB, please do download the MP3 files from here in zip format:
Jazak’Allah Khair.