This is the second part of a three part series focusing on the Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The album covers the Medina era starting from The Hijrah up until The Battle of the Trench. Imam Anwar al-Awlaki details the first five years of the Medina era – a period which was to include all the prominent events of The Hijrah, the establishment of the first Islamic state, The Battle of Badr, The Battle of Uhud finally ending with The Battle of the Trench.
Note: These High Quality mp3 files are available to download, to play in your smart devices or computer, in Zip or Torrent format. Condensed version is also available to download to fit (burn) into blank CD media, to play in audio / mp3 / Car players, in ISO / CD Image or Torrent or Zip format .
<<<<< Makkan Period <<<- – ->>> Medina Period – Part 2 >>>>>
how do I download the files? I can’t see a option. Plz help
Asalamu’alaikum, please refer to the top of the page of the post you wish to download. Jazak’Allah Khair.